Raising Children in a Godly way

The Importance of Dedication

What is baby/children dedication?

Baby dedication is a public statement by the parents to the church that they will train and instill their children in the Christian faith. During the dedication ceremony, the church agrees also to encourage the parents to live Christ-centered lives.   

Important: Baby dedication is not a water baptism or a means of salvation for the child. It is a commitment by the parents to teach the Christian Faith to their child. Baptism is reserved for ANYONE who is a believer and has decided to follow Jesus and keep God’s commandments. It is a conscious decision of one’s own accord and not an imposition or a traditional ritual that must be followed.

For more information about water Baptism, please click here

Why do we dedicate babies and children?

The Bible teaches us that parents took their children to be dedicated to the Lord at the temple, as found in scripture in 1 Samuel 1:11 and Luke 2:22.    

"Then she made a promise and said, “O Lord of All, be sure to look on the trouble of Your woman servant, and remember me. Do not forget Your woman servant, but give me a son. If You will, then I will give him to the Lord all his life..."

"Then it was time for their purification offering, as required by the law of Moses after the birth of a child; so his parents took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.

What are the requirements of parents to get their children dedicated at CLF?

  1. Parents need to complete Life Track.

  2. Parents must be official CLF Family Members and can become so after Life Track is completed.

If you haven’t completed LIFE Track, please Register for our next LIFE Track class here.

What is Life Track, and how do you become an official CLF Family Member?

Life Track is a 3-hour membership class hosted in our LIFE Center once a month where you will learn how to grow spiritually in your walk with Christ, get plugged in here at CLF, connect with others through our various ministries, and use your gifts to serve the Lord and our community. 

LIFE Track Registration


Baby & Child Registration

If you would like to have your baby or child dedicated to the Lord, please click the button below to fill the registration form.  

Thank You!

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