Family Ministries at CLF

Christian Life Fellowship Church in Cape Coral, Florida, has something for the whole family!
Check out all of our Family Ministries below.

Please call us if you have any questions Monday–Thursday 
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

(239) 283-2299

Come and visit KidLife children church ministry on Cape Coral, Florida.


KidLife ministries offer safe, kid-friendly environments for infants through 4th grade during our 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, and 11:30 AM every Sunday.


JVOX is where young students 5th through 8th grade meet to encounter God, make new friends, and strengthen their faith. Sundays at 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM in the CLF Youth Center.


VOX is where high school students come to build strong friendships, hear the word of God, and learn how to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus. Wednesday Nights at 7:00 PM in the Youth Center.


CLF Young Adults is our ministry for ages 18-30 who want to connect and grow together.  

 Check our page for meeting dates and times.