⇧ Listen to the entire message here ⇧ 

Sometimes, we go through seasons where we grow tired of waiting on God to do something great even though we know He will. Or we hear from Him but don’t obey because it means we have to take a BIG step of faith, and we aren’t ready to fully trust His word.

Wherever you find yourself, this message is to illuminate who Jesus was for Peter in a moment of waiting and remind you it’s the same Jesus calling on you and me to fix our eyes on him in the midst. His promise is worth holding onto, and his ask is worth saying “Yes” to!


We can say “Yes” to Jesus by trusting he is our miracle maker, just as he was 2,000 years ago. That same Jesus is the one who lives in us now! He is the Jesus who called Peter to “throw his net” just one more time in deep waters to catch a multitude of fish. Jesus knew that Peter hadn’t caught anything all day, and yet Peter decided to do as Jesus said because he was fixing his eyes on WHO Jesus was.

Some of this is on us! We must be willing to trust Jesus, who only wants good for us! He might ask us to jump into the unknown but will go before us and lead us through uncharted waters! We can be confident that if Jesus says so, it will be so.

Don’t forget to share this encouraging message and like always …


Thank you for reading my article.