Get ready to Worship!



WHAT is Worship Culture: SUMMER EDITION?
It’s how we make BIG the name of Jesus at our church… mostly through music and songs, but it can and does include our walking, talking, and daily doing too! At this weekly meet-up, we will learn how to make Jesus BIG in all those areas!


WHY should I come?
You were made to worship! Grow together with other believers and have fun doing it! You will also learn some really practical things about how God created you to worship and how to do it most effectively (like lifting your hands, shouting loudly, or singing really high notes with ease!)


WHEN + WHERE are you meeting?
Beginning June 29th, we will meet every Thursday from 6-7 pm in the Main Auditorium of CLF. Enter under the portico-covered side doors, and meet the group in the chairs at the front of the room! We will break into smaller groups throughout the night, and pick-up will happen at the same place as the drop-off!


Fun Fact:
By being a part of Worship Culture, you will have the opportunity to be selected to participate in the Generation Worship Service Choir on August 6th. We will choose choir participants from those who participate fully in the group. Sign-ups and more details will be announced in Week 3 of the group. 


For additional questions, feel free to reach out to Bri Curzio, the Worship Director, at [email protected] or Kiara Almeida, the Student Ministries Worship Leader, at [email protected].