
Are you interested in worship, tech, art, creative writing, or acting? Throughout the scriptures, we see that God is both the first and ultimate creator.

We also believe that each of us is made in the image of God and that He has imbued His creativity within each of us. If you consider yourself creative in ANY way, CLF is hosting a quarterly Creative Night Workshop where you can link arms with other creatives to cultivate the gifts of creativity that God has placed in you.

Our next one is on Thursday, May 18th at 7:00 in the main auditorium! Come check out this opportunity to grow in your gifts, be encouraged, and connect with other creatives.

Check all your options below:

Art – Creating Drip Designs With India Ink

One of the amazing things about visual art is that so much beauty and emotion can be conveyed simply by changing the kind of ink and application. In this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to try drip painting with India ink to create stunning designs that evoke both depth and whimsy. The session is great for friends and family to all create art together as well as to meet other creatives for passionate for the Lord and odd by art (The ink used in this art workshop may stain your clothes or shoes. Please wear clothes or shoes that you don’t mind getting stained).

Social Media – Marketing for Your Small Business or Brand

Social Media can be overwhelming when you’re learning how to use it as a tool for your brand or small business, but it doesn’t have to be! In this workshop, we will break down the social media basics and discuss which platforms are the best for you to use to help build and find more engagement for your small business or brand. This workshop is great for those building a brand, starting a small business, or running a small business and looking for more engagement.

Writing – Aspiring Author’s Collaborative

If you’re someone who is working on or aspiring to write a story, novel, blog, or even a poem, then join this group of authors for a great time of collaborative conversation to share about what you’re working on and have time to just ideate and write with other believers with similar passions. This will be a very laid back and free-flowing session intended simply to create space for authors who want to share ideas.

Acting – Bringing Scripts To Life

The difference between a scene that brings you to tears and one that bores you to death often all comes down to how the actor conveys the words on the script. In this workshop, you’ll get to practice with an actors and other creatives in a fun environment with sample scripts to see how to make black and white ink on a page come to life in a way that moves audiences.

Vocalist Workshop: Worship Culture Development Sample

This workshop will walk you through a sample of the worship culture development group curriculum and have you making harmonies, GUARANTEED, by the end of the night! (This workshop is open to participants age 10+ and we ask that you bring pencil, a notebook and water. Children 10-16 are required to attend the workshop with a participating parent.)

Band Workshop
Join the CLF worship team and get an inside look at the rehearsal process, sound checks, and team dynamics. You’ll get to have a front-row seat to each instrumentalist and their role on the team and get to ask questions about their practice routine, commitment, and favorite moments in worship.


Tech Team Workshop

Get an inside look at what the tech team does behind the scenes in the back booth, where they run everything for our Sunday morning experiences. You’ll have an opportunity to ask your questions and try out the area of your choice.