
Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is the greatest day in history! As we approach, let’s focus our families on Jesus and the good news that he came, died, and came back to life again. Register to receive downloadable guides for celebrating Easter Week.


These kits include activities for your family to do each day (Monday-Friday) for the week leading up to Easter. Each guide is designed to be done with your family at all different stages KidLife (Pre-K-4th), JVOX (5th-8th), and VOX (9th-12th).

KidLife’s activities need supplies each day. While you can download the guide and buy your own supplies separately, we’ve pre-built the supplies for each day in a KidLife Family Kit for purchase (to be picked up this Sunday).


We made devotional guides for you to spend your week thinking about Jesus. While you can do it yourself, we encourage you to do it with someone; your family, friends, or a leader! 

Holy Kit