What is the Alpha Marriage course?

The Alpha Marriage Course is designed to help couples invest in their relationship by building a strong marriage.



DATE: Wednesday nights: September 13th – October 25th, 2023.

TIME: 7:00 PM in CLF Main Auditorium.

CAFE: 6:30 Café opens (FREE coffee & water).

LENGTH: 7-week Video sessions hosted by Pastor David and Dina Comer. 

DURATION: Each session is about 90 minutes in length with relevant teachings for marriage, as well as time for intimate conversations between the husband and wife. 


  1. Building Strong Foundations
  2. The Art of Communication
  3. Resolving Conflict
  4. The Power of Forgiveness
  5. The Impact of Family – Past and Present
  6. Good Sex
  7. Love in Action


We are encouraging fellowship to be done with other couples in the lobby/café area between 6:30-7:00 PM; then once you enter the Main Auditorium, couples will be required to sit together but separated from other couples to allow privacy during the journal/discussion times. 

(Layout will be explained during the first night).  


* Journals must be purchased in advance (*one per person). Click Here to Purchase 

** Childcare will be offered for ages infants to 4th grade.

*** Middle school students who serve in KidLife are welcome to help serve. 

**** We ask that both spouses please register for this course.